Monday, October 12, 2009

How To Help the Sweeneys

Dear Friends,
This is not Mike or Cabell writing to you today. Actually, it’s friends of Mike and Cabell who have begged them for the opportunity to write to you regarding an important way you can help in this phase of their fight against stage IV metastatic melanoma.

First of all thank you for being so faithful. Thank you for your prayers and for your phone calls, your meals, your plane tickets, and for all the heartfelt kindness you have shown the Sweeneys. You have been the real hands and feet of Christ and a wind in their sails. Countless times we have heard Mike and Cabell say with overwhelmed hearts how amazed they have been at how well you love them. So, thank you!

Many of you have asked, “What else can we do? How can we help?” Please know your prayers and love have helped a ton. But today the Sweeneys face a different kind of need in the battle with melanoma: paying for a potential life saving treatment for Mike.

In Mike’s last update he described TIL therapy. He also explained that because the treatment is still in a research trial, it will not be covered by their insurance. This is very disheartening news given the fact that Mike’s doctors have made it clear that this therapy is the only real treatment they have that can offer Mike a cure.

One of the things that is so incredible about following Christ is knowing we are not without hope. We love and serve a Very Big God who cares deeply for all of us, who sees Mike’s needs, and who can provide in amazing and creative ways. We believe that by coming together as friends and family around Mike and Cabell, we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them.


The price tag for TIL therapy is $200,000. The hospital will require the Sweeneys to pay 60% up front before Mike will be allowed to begin treatment. Mike is tentatively scheduled for treatment November 16th, pending payment. So, time is of the essence as we want Mike to get treatment as quickly as possible!

Here is where we get to help! There is an organization known as Helping Hands Ministry, an IRS approved 501-C(3) non-profit that acts as a receiver and distributer of charitable gifts to people in need. It was founded by Terry Parker, who started the National Christian Foundation, in order to facilitate Christian charity through the gifting of tax-exempt donations to those in need. Through Helping Hands we have created the Mike Sweeney Medical Project. This allows you to give a gift that will go directly toward Mike’s medical treatment costs that is tax-deductible to you and does not create a tax liability for Mike and Cabell. That is an incredible blessing!!! Please visit Helping Hands website (Helping Hands) if you would like more information about the organization, or contact one of us.

If you feel that this is something you would like to help with, you probably already know it in your heart. So, how can you give?

Make all checks payable to Helping Hands Ministries, Inc.
In the Memo section of your check, please write The Mike Sweeney Medical Project.

Please mail all checks to:
Helping Hands Ministries, Inc.
135 Main Street
PO Box 337
Tallulah Falls, GA 30573

Trust that your donation information will be confidential. Helping Hands will handle all financial matters and receipt you directly. If you would like to give via credit card, call Helping Hands @ 706-754-6884. For other gifts; stock, etc, please contact Michelle York -

Thank you in advance for your precious gift! We know that many will give sacrificially and the Lord is already blessed by your generosity. You are incredible friends! To God be the glory for all that He has done already for Mike.

“Trust in Him at all times, Oh people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62.8

We anticipate that God might even bring more than the required amount needed for this treatment. If God in His mercy does that, then Helping Hands can hold these funds for future additional medical needs for Mike.

Bless you for your hearts for the Lord and your love for our friends!

Susan & Todd Peterson (Co-owner, Cabell's Designs & YL National Board Member)
Wendi & Tom Combes (Young Life SE Regional Trainer)
Jennifer & Ryland Scott (Surgeon & Rome Young Life Committee Chairs)


  1. Thanks so much for posting this and letting us know how to help.

    I'd like to link to this info from my blog and help spread the word to a larger audience. Just curious if Helping Hands has a Paypal account that we could use? Or any way to send money electronically to make it easier/quicker?

    Gina DeMillo Wagner

  2. Thank you so much for doing this. We've been wondering how we could help and now you've provided a way. You are very good friends.
